5 Ways To Protect Medical Records

Protecting medical records is of the utmost importance. Let’s take a look at 5 easy steps you can take to make sure that you are in compliance. While still being able to access these records easily when you need them.
Secure Cloud Storage
Many medical practices keep their electronic records in a cloud storage space. The cloud storage space is easy for people in the office to access, but each file is password protected. Additionally, the files cannot be accessed by anyone outside the office, and the cloud server is dedicated just to that medical practice.
Locked File Cabinets
Many medical practices have filing systems that do not involve locks. However, it may put your mind at ease to have all the files in a locked filing cabinet. This filing cabinet cannot be breached by anyone outside the office, and only a few people in the office will have the key.
Secure Paper Folders
When people want to protect the paper documents inside a file, it is might be wise to use secure folders. There are file folders made with a pocket or string that ties up the folder to make access a little more difficult. The files cannot be opened easily, and people cannot sneak a peak at the file without drawing attention to themselves.
Locked Computers
The computers in the office where the files can be accessed should be locked at all times. Every employee should have their own username and password, and these employees should be required to log in any time they are working.The office can keep a record of when each employee was logged in, and they can see who viewed which files. When you are using security protocols on your computers, it is much easier to comply with HIPAA.
Immediate Closure
When patients leave the office after appointments, their files should be closed up immediately. The office needs to move on to the next patient, and there is no reason to leave another patient’s files out for everyone to see. When the office is more efficient, the patient files are much more secure. A medical office has a responsibility to protect patient files, and the medical office should take each of these steps to be sure that they are in compliance with HIPAA. An efficient medical office is going to be much better at protecting medical records.