5 Things That Can Interfere With Your Voice Recognition Software

With the growing popularity of voice recognition technology comes a few problems. Almost every smartphone available features a voice assistant, which users interact using voice. Additionally, such software is found in dictation and accessibility programs. Here are the 5 most common things that can cause interference in voice recognition software.
1. Voices In The Background
When activated for use, the recognition software listens for audible input near the microphone.
In a quiet setting, the software will pick up the user’s voice with ease. That’s often not the case in a loud or crowded area. Multiple voices in the background will interfere with a user’s voice inputs.
Typically, extraneous voices will find their way into the software and cause errors with the program or voice assistant. Newer software can be trained to listen for a specific voice to reduce speech recognition problems.
2. Speedy Talking, Dialects and More
Using voice recognition software requires a clear and discernible voice so it doesn’t have trouble understanding you. Therefore, things like fast speaking or accents wreak havoc on the software.
Most programs miss words and phrases if they’re spoken too quickly or in certain dialects. A simple mispronunciation tricks the average recognition software, too.
To avoid these issues, users should focus on speaking clearly and enunciating each word. Slowing down the rate of speech never hurts and makes things easier in this situation.
3. Music or Loud Noises in The Background
Background music and noise affects the accuracy of voice recognition software. Loud sounds drown out the user’s voice inputs. Likewise, music can dupe the software into thinking other words have been said.
Nobody should try to use a voice assistant or recognition software at a concert or on a construction site. These types of background noises distort what is processed by the software through the microphone.
In fact, such noises can cause more interference than regular voices in the background.
4. A Speaker’s Distance From The Microphone
All recognition software and voice assistants utilize a microphone. Words are spoken into the microphone and then processed by the software.
If a user speaks too close to the microphone, then the software often picks up muddled speech. On the other hand, speaking too far from the microphone leads to missed words.
A user’s mouth shouldn’t be on the microphone of a given device; he or she shouldn’t be far enough from the input microphone to necessitate shouting. 6 to 12 inches away often works best.
5. Similar-Sounding Words
For speech recognition software, similar-sounding words pose a problem. Such software doesn’t always process and discern between these types of words.
A word that sounds the same but features different spellings can have completely separate definitions. In this case, users need to correct the errors by hand.
Voice assistants on smartphones often use cloud computing and context to figure out the correct word. The issue of similar-sounding words still arises from time to time for all users.