How Has Technology Changed Healthcare

In this article we take a look at how has technology changed healthcare as it exists today.
Each day we are seeing a steady increase of people adopting technology in the healthcare industry. One example that is quickly being adopted is speech recognition software. There are considerable benefits using speech recognition technology.
Let’s take a look at some of the top benefits.
Greater Accuracy
Before speech recognition technology, most healthcare professionals had to rely on medical transcriptionists. But, no matter how good the transcription was, there were mistakes. We don’t have anything against transcriptionists, it’s just that we as humans sometimes make mistakes.
Moreover, the fact that data was being processed manually, the element of human error was ever present. This can be a problem, especially in an industry as sensitive as the healthcare where a single misspelling could become a disaster.
The implementation of speech recognition in healthcare is quickly eliminating these errors, and it’s helping doctors save lives.
Additionally, doctors and clinicians in today’s hospitals and clinics no longer have to wait for the transcriptionist to finish.
Major Flexibility
Quite possibly one of the greatest benefits of using speech recognition technology is its flexibility.
It is now possible to easily access patient data anywhere and at anytime. Meaning that one does not really need to rely on just a single interface or even any specific device to access it. Thanks to upcoming Dragon Medical One cloud technology.
Increased Productivity
EHR implementation is quickly growing throughout the United States. When you combine your EHR with speech recognition technology, studies show that it increases productivity all across the board. Thereby leading to a massive and substantial increase in the doctors ability to be able to interact with more patients.
Furthermore, thanks to speech recognition technology, physicians, clinicians and other health care workers who document healthcare through speech recognition are now able to see considerably more patients than ever before.